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I'm n0 and this is my personal website. I am an independent musician located in London.

I maintain this site because I believe the internet is getting away from us. Many people are trapped in "social" media "platforms" owned by megacorps, and many people are creating horrible websites filled with ads, tracking, and worst of all, bloated unnecessary javascript! This site uses 0 javascript, is almost entirely text, and loads lightning fast on all web browsers (even really old or text only ones).

As these megacorps continue to squeeze every drop of rent they can out of their digital property, it is more important than ever that we do our best to maintain the small, decentralised web: a network of simple, single-tenant sites, connected via webrings and rss.

In addition to making music, I run a youtube channel, where I post all sorts things, but mainly vlogs.

I maintain a small webring called the denpa webring, where you can find some other cool sites from fellow denpas if you like this one.

I also run denpa-chan.org, a small and comfy textboard.

I am a big fan of slice-of-life anime and moege VNs.