

I'm getting real bored of potatoes for every meal. I miss taco bell man. I got taco-bell-man amnesia. The troublesome twosome suggest we do some light reading. I turn the light on in my room but it doesn't work because there's no power. Winter is like that. The days are dark. One lady here says she knows how to make candles from beeswax, but just one fucking problem there lady, there's no fucking bees. Canned potatoes. Never had to eat shit like this before. Someone's stolen my socks. Things get stolen around here pretty often. Not really anything you can do about it. I'm sure I'll see someone wearing them at some point. Then what am I supposed to do? Call them out, make a big fucking scene about it, then what. I get my socks back and one more person hates me? Someone got it in their head that this whole compound would work better if we were all on the same page, so there's a non-mandatory but actually mandatory capital reading group. I've already read this book! I protested. They said well read it again. Can't hurt. You know regardless of the ideas in here, Marx was a terrible writer. He constantly repeats himself. Fucking canned potatoes man. Still if you're gonna build a new society in the rubble of the old one, I guess marx is better than like rawls or something. Personally I was routing for the deleuzians to come out on top, hey maybe they have formed a nomadic war machine somewhere, not that I'd be able to find them. Not like I can reliably obtain food just wondering aimlessly around. Still, reading this book I get the feeling marx didn't immagine full communism to be medieval peasents with solar panels. Fuck taco bell I miss wheat. We grow a small amount of wheat barley and rye, but the bread we make with it always sucks, and has like sand and grit in it. This isn't the artisanal organic sour dough I was promised by the breadpunks! Be easier if I lived in the tropics. I bet they haven't even noticed a change. They've got casava. Cassava is insanely OP. Perenial, more calorie dense than a potato. Ripe in one year, but stays perfectly good to eat for 2 more years if you just leave it in the ground. DOn't have to fuckng can it. Seriously, who's ever heard of canned potatoes before now. Apparently it was a thing in the great depression. Great, just what we all imagined. Frankly, I don't like vegetables that much. We eat a lot of sauerkraut and potatoes and legumes and native wild plants with names like pignut and crow garlic. It wouldn't be all that bad if it were easier to come by salt. Turns out the solarpunks were so concerned with canals and ineficient wind turbines they didn't really think about how we'd get salt inland. There's a reason it was more expensive than gold! If only they'd put me in charge of this whole opperation, I would have used my knowledge of medieval history to... Well there's not much I could have done anyway. Maybe I should go looking for that nomadic war machine after all. Maybe they can explain what a "machinic assemblage" is to me. I'm willing to bet they're all just pretending to understand it as well. Better head over to the permaculture. If I don't show up every day they'll send me to the mines. I miss twitter.